Knight of Wands

Knight of Wands from the Light Seer’s Tarot

Knight of Wands from the Light Seer’s Tarot

Do you hear the drumming of your own internal ambition? It’s calling to you like an exhilarated heartbeat - your heartbeat. It’s beating strong and urging you to dance with passion and live fearlessly. If you have an idea or an inclination, charge in with fervor and let it grow wildly without a single hint of reservation. Fan the flames that surround you - do not extinguish them. People will take notice of your new found zeal and will be drawn to you. Your zest should not scare you - let it consume you. This fire within is just the start of an exciting new direction, which will allow you to make innumerous discoveries about your true spirit. Be the wild, impassioned soul you truly are. You will inspire others with your daring, greathearted confidence. Bang that drum and dance in the flames!


The Three of Cups

