Seven of Swords…
This card has appeared twice this week for us. So, I’m wondering…what exactly are you up to, you sneaky fox? I’m sure others are thinking the same thing right now. Perhaps to fill your world with color, it’s time to do something deceptive. So long as know one gets hurt, why not do what you can to spice things up? The warning here, though, is just that - make sure no one is getting hurt in your exciting endeavor. You are feeling sly now and looking fine as you get away with it, but truth has a way of finding it’s way to the surface. A quick karma check is important here, because as we know, what goes around comes around. Concealing your true intentions are all well and good….but only if the intentions are true. But, boy do you look foxy as you wear that air of mystery! Happy Thursday, little devils.
“O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive!” - Walter Scott
The Seven of Swords from The Modern Witch Tarot by Lisa Sterle