The Seven of Wands…

Perseverance and confidence are leading the way into the week as you step up and take action to defend the work you have already put in and inspire yourself and others to do even more. Any obstacles you have recently faced will begin to melt away because of you tireless spirit and colorful dedication. Use your full being - mind, spirit and voice to stand up to anyone in your world that is expressing doubt about what you are capable of. There is no mountain too high for you, when your core motivation shines like the sun and breathes life into the world you inhabit. You are putting action to your words and accomplishing great things.

“If you do not have persistence then no amount of education, talent, or genius can make up for it.” - Stephen Richards

The Seven of Wands from The Moon Dust Tarot by Florance Saul


Seven of Swords & Four of Wands…


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