Seven of Swords & Four of Wands…
Sometimes you have to get sneaky with your ideas to move toward a more harmonious existence. It may feel underhanded, but whatever you are up to right now can be worth it, if you keep the greater good in mind. So let your thoughts lead you, but be stealthy in which wind you follow. Understand that others may not understand as you take these small steps, that you are on the path to creative freedom. Hide away what you are doing because when the outcome of it is revealed, it will be celebrated with fiery joy. So, move like a feather in the wind, softly and quietly until you can land in a more colorful destination.
“I am a feather for each wind that blows” - William Shakespeare
The 7 of Swords and the 4 of Wands from The Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne