The Ace of Swords - Reversed…


Ok…so, I have to be honest….this one is really hard for me to digest in the moment. But, the cards that want to be acknowledged are always the ones that come to the surface when you don’t want to deal with them. They will scream at you the message you understand, but do not want to accept. Tonight…grab on to the idea that for the opportunity you want to take, accept and see grow and expand, the timing is off -or something is just not right. Let it go, because deep down you know that it is just not meant to be. Sometimes the brain is right in thinking that you are not ready or not willing to take a chance on a new thing that is coming your way. But, that’s ok…not to be ready or able to fully embrace that opportunity is not a reflection on who you are…it’s maybe a reflection on where you are in this moment. Let it go - cast it out into the sky - release your mind from the mental hold of what you think you should be doing or where you think you should be. Tonight, when you sleep, drift out into the night sky with no real purpose. You are allowed to just float among the glittering stars. You are allowed to just….be. So, just be. Let go of all of those expectations…just float among the starry sky and feel free.

“Emancipate yourself from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds.” - Bob Marley

The Ace of Swords (Reversed) from the Divine Feminine Tarot Nocturnal by Cocoppina


The Seven of Pentacles…


The Five of Cups…