The Devil…
As a card of the very-late night this one asks a question - what were the many smalls ways in which you revolted throughout your day? We all have moments where we just want to step outside of the confines of what is “normal” and “acceptable”. Those bursts of wishing you could say exactly what’s on your mind or shock people by refusing to live up to others expectations. And then there’s the urge to make mischief just because it’s a fun alternative to monotony. If you took action on these inclinations, how did it feel? What was your delicious benefit? If you only thought about it, what might you do tomorrow based on these muted desires? Small, harmless flashes of defiance can be healthy and thrill the soul. So, did you taste rebellion? If you didn’t, sneak a bite of it tomorrow!
“With rebellion, awareness is born.” - Albert Camus
The Devil from the Psychobilly Tarot Deck by W Kurt Wenz