Check in each day for a little bit of magic…

Card of the Day

Holly Buczek Holly Buczek

The Star…

One of my dearest and most magical friends was recently sharing how she has embraced the “Darkness of the Season”. I laughed a bit at this, because I don’t quite think about “darkness” when I think of the holiday season, but in our conversation she illuminated for me how darkness is a big part of this time of year and we should use it’s magic to our benefit. So, I pulled a card today from her deck - The Dark Wood Tarot - and I asked, “What should we bring forth from the darkness?” And the answer I received was…light! Ha! But, seriously, so much about the holiday season is darkness and light. Let your thoughts hover above you and connect with your most vulnerable emotions. Slip out of your skin and let the cool light of your spirit shine amidst the dark days of winter. The magic is you - your desires, dreams and wishes. Pull them forward as you move through these next few weeks.

“A painter should begin every canvas with a wash of black, because all things in nature are dark except where exposed by the light.”
― Leonardo da Vinci

The Star Card from the Dark Wood Tarot by Sasha Graham and art by Abigail Larson

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Holly Buczek Holly Buczek

Three of Wands…

As you celebrate this holiday season, give yourself the gift of seeing the possibilities that are calling to you in the distance. Yes, there is magic in this season, but let the biggest spell you conjure be the time you spend magnifying your own inner sorcery. How? Allow yourself a chance to dream. As you gaze inward, envision your own grand horizon and the beautiful potential that awaits you there. What do you see? Sunlight breaking through dark clouds and journeys yet to happen? Calming water to heal you and challenges ready to excite and accelerate your progress as you head in new directions? Take it all in and align yourself with a new path to manifest your biggest desires in 2025. This timeless time between holiday celebrations and the new year is pure enchantment. Honor yourself so you can make the most of it!

“Promise to stay wild with me. We’ll seek and return and stay and find beauty and the extraordinary in all the spaces we can claim. We’ll know how to live. How to breathe magic into the mundane.” — Victoria Erickson

The Three of Wands from Coyote Creation

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Holly Buczek Holly Buczek

Magician (Reversed) & Queen of Wands (Reversed)…

It’s astounding how you can be surrounded by holiday glitter and glam and just feel…depleted. You may not feel the magic right now, but that is only because you are recharging internally in preparation for the new year that is coming. So, retreat within and let the fire and spark of what is to come smolder under the surface. You are quietly preparing for better things. Let’s face it - holiday lights have nothin on you. When you are ready to reign supreme with passion and sorcery blazing, you will shine brighter than any dumb old LED lights. Get ready - 2025 is going to be big for you.

“Your energy is unique. Embrace it. Use it wisely. Make it count.”– Robin Sharma

The Magician (Reversed) and The Queen of Wands (Reversed) from The Dreaming Way Tarot by Rome Choi

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Holly Buczek Holly Buczek


Sometimes my deck has a very dark sense of humor. This morning, my partner drew the card for us and I said to him, “This is the card for the weekend, so pick a good one!” And, of course this is what my deck delivered. Though this card seems like it’s not what you want to pick as you are headed into a busy weekend, truthfully it is an excellent card. So, I didn’t throw it back. I think she’s asking us a question - What do we need to kill or destroy in order to feel alive again? And I mean metaphorically - not your ex. In a weekend full of holiday shopping and partying, it wouldn’t seem there would be such a question to ask. But, for me this is a challenge to eviscerate any crunchy or grinch-like feelings that may get in the way of a good time. Negativity must get the axe. So, what needs to go for you this weekend, my friend? Step in with your scythe to destroy it so that you can be reborn!

“If I stay negative in negative energy, that's what's gonna come back.” - Metro Boomin

Death Card from The Dreaming Way Tarot by Rome Choi

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Holly Buczek Holly Buczek

The Eight of Wands - Reversed…

Things are moving at a fast pace and you are certainly aiming to land in a new place, but you don’t have to ride this moment like a free-fall. In fact, the rate at which you are moving really doesn't allow for attention to detail which is sorely needed.Be kind to yourself today by slowing down just enough to enjoy the scenery or even just breathe. I know it feels like you cannot create space for this, but I assure you that if you do, you won’t regret it. Don’t miss out on the enjoyment of this journey. Let’s face it, deep down you know you will land safely, so pull back for even a few minutes. You have earned it!

“If you’re always racing to the next moment, what happens to the one you’re in?” - Nanette Matthews

The Eight of Wands (Reversed) - Not sure what deck this is? Do you know?

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Holly Buczek Holly Buczek

The Devil…

The devil returns today to keep us from doing what truly needs to be done. Are you feeling the same level of distraction as me today? There’s so much going on and with the holidays approaching, it’s overwhelming. Also, I find myself drawn away from the important work in progress by silly diversions and things that pop up that don’t truly matter, but are hard to resist. There’s that devil - the little impish impulses that lead you astray. It’s easy to say, “practice a little self-control!” but harder to commit to it, though it’s definitely what is needed.. So, be aware of when you are being tempted off-track and bring yourself back to the task at hand.

“Every moment of resistance to temptation is a victory.” -Frederick W. Faber

The Devil - Art found on Acelion

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Holly Buczek Holly Buczek

Reversed Six of Swords - Reversed Devil…

A bit of a Tuesday wake-up call. If you feel like you are constantly moving backwards it’s because you are being thwarted by a fiery trigger. Someone or something has you in invisible chains and you cannot tear yourself away. However, strange as it sounds, this trigger may be more internal than external. Your own longing heart brings you back and back again to this trauma which is undeniably blocking your path forward. Being provoked by your own making is clearly disorienting you in so many ways. It’s time to break this cycle. If you don’t know what this trigger is, you must identify it. I think you will be startled to find it dwells deep within and that you might be your own obstacle. Don’t let this scare you, though. Let it free you - in this case you hold the solution to your own suffering.

“When the beginnings of self destruction enter the heart, it seems no bigger than a grain of sand.” - John Cheever

The Six of Swords (Reversed) - The Devil (Reversed) from Tarot of the Witch’s Garden by Sasha Graham and Natasa Ilincic

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Holly Buczek Holly Buczek

Queen of Swords - Reversed…

Hello, Monday Funday. What has you surprised today? If nothing unusual had struck, there is still time to find yourself caught-off-guard. You might feel like you are in your element and in control, but there is so much going on that you are just not quite looking in the right direction to see what is actually on your horizon. Instead of reacting when you are suddenly stunned by that thing you just didn’t see, have a laugh and let yourself experience the weirdness of the unknown. You can and will redirect in a better way, but right now it’s easier and healthier to just give in instead of trying to maintain control.

“Life is full of surprises, but the biggest one of all is learning what it takes to handle them.” - Deborah Wiles

The Queen of Swords (Reversed) from the Tarot of Mystical Moments by Catrin Welz-Stein

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Holly Buczek Holly Buczek

The Sun…

HAPPY HALLOWEEN, DEAR FRIENDS! The veil is at its thinnest tonight, but the message coming through is one of hope, warmth and optimism. Open up the shades and let the haunts and bats fly away. As we say goodbye to the spooky season and step even further closer to the winter, let us keep the fire of the sun burning in our hearts. Feel gratitude as you eat your candy for the fun that October bestowed upon you. Then, turn your face to the sky and, even if you cannot see it, feel the rays of the sun that exist behind even the greyest of clouds. Growth is assured for all as we turn the clocks back - do not doubt that for a second. How might you shine your light to lift up and inspire others in the dark of winter? Think of the days ahead as your chance to be the light that everyone needs.

"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows. It's what the sunflowers do." – Helen Keller

The Sun from The Haunted House Tarot by Sasha Graham

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Holly Buczek Holly Buczek

Queen of Swords…

Hey, Queens of Darkness - Are you planning to conquer the world again or simply tame a few unsuspecting souls to your will? Let your nighttime rumination inspire a wicked and unexpected scheme - one that is sure to cast a shadow upon those that seek to cross you. You are only just getting started as the sun goes down. Use the blackness of the dead of night to your advantage. Think upon the many ways you might weaponize your power of persuasion to get what you want from unsuspecting foes. Your mind is sharp in its quest to dominate, so ready yourself to vanquish those that seek to overthrow or diminish your power. Reign supreme and let your intellect lead the charge.

“We are the things that others fear”- Anne Rice “The Vampire Lestat

The Queen of Swords from The Gothic Tarot by Joseph Vargo

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Holly Buczek Holly Buczek

Six of Cups (Reversed) & Four of Pentacles (Reversed)…

Are you feeling stuck? Like you just have to sit there, waiting for impending doom to pounce upon you? Well, maybe you don’t. I pulled two cards on what you need to do to free yourself. First, you must confront a former version of yourself that has been emotionally holding you back. There’s some past trauma that must be exorcised, if you want to promote self-growth and change. When we resurrect the past in hopes to expel it, it can be overwhelming, which is likely why you are feeling stuck. If it’s too much to face on your own, do this with the help of a therapist or counselor. And, while you are making these changes, take a close look at your personal idea that you do not have what you need to move forward. The “never enough” mind frame can deathly impede your progress. Stop making excuses - use what you have at your disposal. The world has not placed a curse on you…you can do a whole lot with what you already have. Ok - time to get to work! Clear those skeletons from the closet and free yourself. It will be challenging, but you won’t regret it.

“True freedom is an inward state of being. Once it is attained, no situation in the world can bind one or limit one’s freedom.” – Jack Canfield

The Six of Cups (Reversed) and The Four of Pentacles (Reversed) from The Haunted House Tarot by Sasha Graham

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Holly Buczek Holly Buczek

Two of Bats - Reversed…

There is so much flying around in your mind and you are avoiding making a very crucial decision. It’s ok to pause, but you must decide, my spooky friends. I know you feel overwhelmed and it may not help you to hear what you already know, but you are running out of time. You may feel like there is so much riding on this one little decision - that the fate of people you love is at stake. Perhaps a bit of guilt at the idea of choosing has overtaken you. Might I suggest the idea of avoiding those dark thoughts, by listening to your heart and trusting your gut? Think about what you hope for - not what you hope to avoid. Deep down, you know what is right, so tell those pesky thoughts to shoo by simply making a choice that makes you feel good.

“May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.”— Nelson Mandela

The Two of Bats from the Halloween Tarot by Kipling West

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Holly Buczek Holly Buczek

The Ace of Swords…

Lightening will strike this week, but don’t hide inside and miss the magic of the storm. Clearing the air is assured when this tempest blows through and a hair-raising kind of inspiration will light up your nights with wild, new thoughts. Seize the electricity of the moment by aligning your mind with what suddenly strikes you out of the blue. The most unforeseen insight will galvanize your life in truly exhilarating ways. So, let the storm rage on - steady yourself and become the lightning rod for invigorating and provoking new ideas. This is only the beginning of a new journey toward success.

“Life is a flash of lightning in the dark of night. It is a brief time of tremendous potential.” - B. Alan Wallace

The Ace of Swords from The GentrySmith Tarot

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Holly Buczek Holly Buczek

The Ace of Cups…

This weekend sends you the chance to engage in activities that will promote transformation and emotional healing. You are longing to connect to the people in your world with a full and uncensored heart, so make it your mission to cleanse the spirit of past trauma and to transform your entire outlook on love. You will not be alone in this endeavor. The raven can signify messages coming through from the other side, so open your mind and heart to the wisdom of the ancestors who are watching over you. They will send you signs throughout your weekend. These soon-to-be known ideas will enhance and expedite the healing you are longing for. Get ready to heal your soul to make way for beautiful growth.

“Let my heart be still a moment and this mystery explore...”― Edgar Allan Poe, The Raven

The Ace of Cups from The Tarot of the Witch’s Garden by Sasha Graham and Natasa Ilincic

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Holly Buczek Holly Buczek

Five of Wands - Reversed…

“Double, Double…Toil & Trouble…” Why are you inviting such things into your mind space? What you envision in this current incantation…will appear for you. So, why are you future predicting drama and conflict? I’ve always said, “Drama is for the stage only.” While it’s true that we cannot avoid friction, there is no real reason to welcome it. In this case, your belief that dissension and discord is a given in this circumstance is only standing in the way of you being able to make true magic. So STOP!!! It’s time to recognize that you hold the potential for peace-making sorcery within you. If your quest is hit with any brand of antagonism, you will know how to dissipate it because you are a powerful witch. So don’t kill your potent spell with all of this negativity. Find ways to unify when you are met with contention and strife.

“And so, what the munchkins want to know is…are you a good witch or a bad witch?” - Glinda - Wizard of Oz

The Five of Wands (Reversed) from the Everyday Witch Tarot by Deborah Blake and Elizabeth Alba

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Holly Buczek Holly Buczek

The Seven of Pentacles - Reversed…

The fall season moves through our lives so quickly, so I thought I’d ask my deck how we might best embrace and enjoy it. Hard work has been on the agenda and you may have faced some deadlines, but how much of this is internally imposed? Yes, this is a season about Harvest, but you can also take a pause to really indulge in the magic of the season. Is there a place that you can escape to where you might free yourself from obligations for just an hour or two? A place that promises to invigorate and inspire you in a very autumnal way? Yes - pumpkin patches and apple orchards count, but maybe there’s something even more specifically suited for you. I plan to set aside a few hours and take a walk through the Central Park Mall and visit the Bethesda Fountain, hoping that the crisp air and fall colors will whisper their hidden messages to me as I journey through the park. What can you devote yourself to that is just for your own fall enjoyment in the next few weeks?

“The autumn road, the mellow wind that soothes the darkening shires. And laughter, and inn-fires.” — Rupert Brooke, “The Chilterns”

The Seven of Pumpkins (Reversed) from The Halloween Tarot by Kipling West

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Holly Buczek Holly Buczek

Two Card Tuesday…

Imagine this - you're walking through a giant field full of yellowing grass at dusk. This open field is surrounded by a perimeter of dark, silent forrest. How did you get here? Who knows, but here you are as the night sky is slowly dimming. Suddenly a door appears - just a door. What do you do? We’ve all faced the terrifying exhilaration of a ghost door at some time or another. Should you enter, not knowing what dwells behind that door? Do you dare? If you are facing a door like this right now, here is a draw for you - If you open that door, there will be opportunity for growth, but only up to a certain point. Once you get to that point, it is still up to you to move yourself forward to your true goal. If you open this door, it will help you speed the process at first, but may leave you feeling exhausted and alienated. If you keep the door closed, then you stand to elevate your internal wisdom and sense of self. This is a longer road toward your ultimate dream, but you will be growing stronger within in a way that will ensure your personal success is in alignment with your convictions. Choose wisely, my friends. Only you know what you need more.

“Of magic doors there is this; you do not see them even as you are passing through.” - Linzi Day

The Nine of Wands and the High Priestess from The Dreaming Way Tarot by Rome Choi

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Holly Buczek Holly Buczek

The King of Cups…

I asked the question “Why?” today when I pulled our card. In true bad question form, I wasn’t entirely specific - I just asked “Why” with no real sense of content. So, I’ll put it out there with the idea that perhaps you needed this information? If the question is why today, the answer is because either you or they crave a very energizing kind of emotional control. There is a sense from this card that, in your situation, a wilder need to own the very essence of another is at play. This kind of deep addiction to what another person has to offer is definitely thrilling, but can be quite dangerous. When it feels as if your very existence depends on sucking the life from another, you must stop to be sure you haven’t lost all sense of self. Conversely, if you find yourself being consumed by another, though it can be fun for a bit, eventually you will have to pry yourself free and release them to fly off into the night. Emotional mastery almost always calls for boundaries, so grab your garlic. You may even need to sharpen that stake.

“Be careful in the company of monsters that you don’t become one.” — Cindy Gerard

The King of Cups from The Vampire Tarot by Natalie Hertz

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Holly Buczek Holly Buczek

Justice - Reversed…

How can we best enjoy what the week ahead has in store? Don’t try to stabilize your highs and lows too much because a bit of imbalance could be healthier for your experience than you think. Sometimes deciding what is “right” or “wrong” is just another way for you to censor or place judgment upon your own good time. And life, as we all understand, isn’t so black and white. To really feel all the feels of what is on your agenda may seem dangerous, but if you approach it in a holistic way you may find you are more fulfilled when all is said and done. Shake things up by letting yourself connect completely without self-judgement or restriction. If you do this in a safe way and with good intentions, you will experience all the dynamics of what this week has to offer.

“Judgement comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgement.” - Simon Bolivar

Justice (Reversed) from The Spooky Cat Tarot - Art Print

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Holly Buczek Holly Buczek

The High Priestess…

Ponder this, my magical friends: you get to write your own story. Consulting the cards for your future should be for inspiration, not for a final draft. Today, think of wondering what the future holds as a brilliant brainstorming session in which you get to evoke the very core of your intuition. Deep down you know what you truly want for that future version of self, so let your own ideas of fulfillment lead you to put pen to paper with creative flow. Once you have formed these mystical micro-visions, use them as puzzle pieces. Play with them in a way that is both fun and illuminating. See how they fit together and where they might mis-match. Like an accomplished author, you may begin to see the many ways in which your story might come together to your best advantage. Don’t use your strong and beautiful powers to predict - use them to create. Happy Saturday!

“Divination is a mirror reflecting what's in the soul” - Hermes Trismegistus

The High Priestess from The Haunted House Tarot by Sasha Graham and Mirco Pierfederici

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